
~~~Olivia~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~

Erotic Hypnotic Olivia. Listen to my smooth southern voice penetrate your being as you drift off into the most pleasurable feeling. It’s like letting all the tension go therefore floating on a cloud: just the two of us.  While we are in our session you will feel me

There will be some preparing for our hypnotic session but once I get you to the level I want you; it’s about rock-hard cock and memories.  You’ll smell all the sensational smells of your best fuck ever.  After a few sessions most never need to even touch the cock to get off.  Some have told me the climax is stronger when under a hypnotic trance.

Relax; let the mind take you there…….

Erotic Hypnotic Session

It doesn’t have to be a love-making session you remember; it can even be the wildest sex you ever had.  Sometimes the first time will make you blow your load.  Remember the first time you touched a tit or fingered a pussy.  Swing the other way?   No problem there it’s all good with me, there’s no judgment from me.  What about the one that got away?  I can bring that back and it can go all differently. This time instead of getting shot down you can take on the situation differently and claim your rewards.

Some Stipulations

When setting up your session know it takes forty-five minutes if it’s your first session but if you have had sessions before it can be less time.  Make sure you can be in a comfortable place and will be undisturbed.  It should be a good connection between the two of us allowing my voice to come across as if we are in the same room.  Each hypnotic session is geared for the session you are looking for.

~~~Olivia~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~

